My favorite teacher


Mrs. Cauchon is my favorite teacher because of how bubbly and funny she is. She is always willing to help and teach you. I love how she sets a good and positive attitude in the classroom.  For example, she always has a smile on her face. She’s a very encouraging person for example, she will always compliment your work and give great suggestions. I always enjoy being in her class. Her personality is very awesome and jolly, it really matches the vibe in the classroom.

Plus, I like experimenting with the camera and the different techniques in editing. I like how generous she is, she always helps us by extending due dates in order for us to be able to get things done and in on time. She’s very flexible with her grading, and sometimes gives us opportunities to get extra credit. I also love how she displays everyone’s work and posts some on the photography Instagram account. I really enjoy coming to this classroom.


studio portraits with gel and strobes

Colour gel photography, Neon photography, Portrait lighting

The person in the photo looks fierce, and brave. It makes it seem like her personality is strong and that she’s not easy to mess with. The lighting adds lots to the photograph. Its a really nice touch to the photo. Even the red light used spices it up. I like the blue lighting more it sets a cool, and dark tone.

Fill flash outside

Fill flash enhances the light throughout. It spices things up in your photo. Its great with landscape, portrait, and macro.  When using the fill flash, you want to keep it natural. You don’t want to overdo it you want to keep it subtle. When using it there are different ways to use the flash. So just be aware when using the fill flash. It makes things clearer. Fill flash can help you not have dark spots or dark circles in your photo. Lots of people like to use fill flash when taking a landscape photo. It improves the photo very much.

External flash worksheet

You would use external flash in a dark setting or if you need the light. You don’t need to meter the light if you use flash. Flash synchronization is when the camera goes off and the flash goes off. ETTL means evaluate through the lens. If you shoot faster, it will create a shadow or a black bar. Photographers bounce the flash and diffuser to soften the light. A slave is a monitor the incoming light and fire when it senses the light produced by another flash firing. If your image comes out too dark or too light you should fix the exposure and adjust the flash.

what every beginner should know?

If you’re a beginner, you should learn how to control the camera. You should learn how the different settings work. Maybe also how to position yourself when using the camera. You should also know to connect it to the tripod. Also, all the different photographing styles. There are many things and ways to achieve a good photograph. As long as you know the basics your photos will come out very well.

Indeed job search

Some jobs that are interesting are Opthalmic photographer, I don’t meet the qualifications for this job. I need to be able to have computer skills, knowledge of photography. There is a huge list of things I don’t know anything about. I would want this job because it’s a photography job in the medical field. You will be making about 33.51 – 36.96. Another job is bridal photography, I don’t meet the qualifications for this job. I need to have some experience with customer service.  The skills you need is to be able to be professional and strong work ethic, you also need to have a good and happy mood. You would make 18 dollars an hour. A cool job would be a vehicle photographer. I don’t believe I meet the qualifications, but I could. The skills needed is being able to have knowledge on digital quality image. The pay is low though it is 17.31-25.96. A job would be photo booth attendant. I will meet the qualifications in a few years. Some skills you would need is having good setting up skills and good communication skills.  Another job would be product trainer photographer. I don’t meet the qualifications. They want you to have some type of skills in coaching and teaching. It pays 22- 23 an hour.

HDR photography

The title of my photo is called School.  The process of this would be taking multiple photos. You need to take many light phot0s and many dark photos. I feel like I could’ve taken better photos. I feel like the building is a little in the way. The saturation looks a little weird on the building. The clouds on the left are little too bright but it’s fine.

HDR stands for high dynamic range. It is a range of the lightest tones and the darkest tones. You can achieve this by taking many pictures of the same scene but the same exposures.

painting with light

fl: 18.0mm 100.sec f/14 ISO 100 M

The Beginner’s Guide to the Art of Light Painting | Photocrowd Photography Blog

I think they used a really long light. They had to move the long light in a certain way to get this look within a certain amount of time.


He was playing basketball in the gym for pe.

They’re playing basketball in the gym for pe.

She was helping set up for the rally.


His work captured significant moments. This isn’t the only photo he has taken that has done so. You can tell that he enjoys capturing candid moments. He is very skilled when capturing these moments its crazy how he was able to catch all of this. Every single kid is facing the camera which is pretty awesome to capture. He shoots mostly in black and white, which is cool.